Monday, April 25, 2011

Am I am an "Is"? (DISC Personality Test)

An Influential person "shapes the environment by influencing or persuading others."

Reading over the descriptions for this personality type, I feel like it doesn't fully describe me.  Unlike the Influential-type-person, I feel that I am not that much of a people-person.  I have been called gullible multiple times and I feel others influence me easily rather than the opposite.  In fact, I am more of a shy person who hesitates before doing something.

Based on this and the descriptions of each personality profile, I feel like I fit the Steadiness type the most, at least in most environments (with strangers/unfamiliar-type setting).  I prefer comfortable settings where I can predict what will occur.  I am definitely the type that can't react quickly/make decisions quickly so I am dependent on those who can direct/give clear directions to me.

I think the test is pretty accurate, but got one thing wrong. I am more steady than influential.  I think I am supposed to have an "Si" personality because while I enjoy the company of others, I am not that outgoing of a person.  However, if I am in a comfortable setting, I fit the Influential type more.  The test result was probably inaccurate because I was envisioning a more casual situation (one which I am with close friends).

I wish I were more of a D (Dominant) type because most of my personality traits are the exact opposites of those who are dominant.  (It can be difficult for me to make decisions, I am slow to act, etc).

I think it is possible to become another type since everyone is a little bit of each type.  I think if someone truly wants to become a different person or if an extraordinary event occurs, it can happen. But of course, people can't just change within a day and most people won't unless they have good reason to.

Of course it is better to understand a person's management type so that you can somewhat expect how a future interaction will take place.  For instance, if you know that the person is a D-type, you might expect him or her to cut you off while you are speaking.  By being aware of a person's personality, you can gauge how a person will act and will not be caught off guard.


  1. I agree with you that the test is pretty accurate, but it isn't 100% free of any errors or things that can influence our answers. Well, on whether the test got you spot on, I do and I don't think it did. I think it did because you are definitely an "s" in that you are loyal, a great listener, and genuine about helping others. I think the test was off when saying you are an "I" in the sense that, to me, you don't seem to care for popularity or being the life of the party. But, in working with you, I think you, like an "I", see people and situations optimistically and, although, the dominant people may overshadow you in conversation, you do say your ideas and try to persuade others with your logical thinking than just telling us to follow you. So the test didn't get you spot on, but how can a test be 100% accurate when we are all unique individuals.

  2. i agree with you that it is possible to become another type since everyone is a little bit of each type. Because i think I think if you understand what kind of personal behavior you are you can change what you want to be. You can take change for previous behavior, change the bad to goods, try to acquire some good behaviors which can make you change become the type of person you want to be.

  3. No doubt that this test has more accurate assessment in managerial personality, and I believe that people should not try to change their personality rather than adapt them self to change in environment. You seems kind of timid and very calm, but when you talk you say important thing and one can automatically noticed that you are not timid , because you say our idea in very precise way , and this is shows how patient you are and how good listen you are because you don't start throwing your idea right away. Therefore, the steadiness suited you pretty well and "S" type has many qualities that can give in advantage in the work environment.

  4. I also think that this test is quite accurate but not 100% right because a person can have different personalities in different environment.
