Monday, April 4, 2011

The Power of Vision

While the "Power of Vision" video was dramatized, I think the message is agreeable with--that if you put effort into something you're passionate about, you can create change.  

While the message is meaningful, it may have taken a too-optimistic outlook on life.  We can't expect things to go our way and sometimes, we can't get what we want because we lack the ability to attain certain things.

For instance, when I was younger, I wanted to be a nurse or a pediatrician but after taking biology, I decided that I should avoid the medical fields because I was quite deficient in bio.

Perhaps my dream wasn't strong enough which caused me to back down easily...Perhaps if I wanted something enough, I would keep going at it no matter what.

Currently, I don't think I have any dreams that I have that I would approach in such a manner but maybe if I were to take some baby-steps and if I were to cross the midpoint of that stream, then maybe I would continue until i reach my destination.

Some faint dreams/goals I have:
1. To speak/read/write Chinese (both mandarin/cantonese) proficiently and to use this as a medium to become closer with my family & Culture.
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I was born here and have difficulty recognizing Chinese characters, let alone speaking it.  I think it's important that I don't lose this momentous piece of me.  I know that with the ability to read and write Chinese, I would be able to communicate with my parents better and actually understand the anecdotes and stories that my grandparents tell me.
-->To accomplish this, I could purchase a Chinese-English dictionary and self-teach myself, take some Chinese courses, ask my parents for assistance, watch Chinese dramas regularly (not sure if this last one is a good idea because I might get addicted)
2. To become a more outspoken and bold person who will speak up/act without hesitation
I'm usually the quiet person in class who will never raise her hand because I'm either unsure of my answer or am worried what others will think of my answer.  Too often, I hesitate to do something and end up regretting not acting when I had the chance.  Too often, I let others tell me what is right and what is wrong even though I know I believe differently.
-->To accomplish this, I will record all instances where I hesitate to speak or do something even though deep down, I was dying to do whatever it was I had wanted to do.  I will also record instances when I do act despite my insecurities/doubts holding me back.
3.  To become more fit and run a marathon
This third goal is more of a filler goal. Honestly I don't think I can run a marathon nor do I really want to but I do want to regularly exercise (jogging/running would be ideal, I don't like weight training) and to get fresh air regularly.
-->To accomplish this, I will jog every day that I have off and I will begin with 15-30 minutes of walking and slow jogging.  Within 1-2 weeks, I will no longer walk and only jog (slow jogging is fine).  Within a month, I will be running.
If I can accomplish this, I will reward myself with a dog and go running with him/her. ^_^


  1. I like your first goal/dream, becasue i met a lot of ABC they don't really know how to speak Chinese(both mandarin/cantonese) i think even they were born in U.S they should know a little bit about their elder's past and the culture their elder have. If you are really interesting about this i think you can take some courses and the best way i suggest is go to HongKong or Mainland China live for a while. I think that will be more helpful. Just like what i did, i want to learn English, that's why i am here .lol

  2. I think you made a really good point with your story about wanting to be a nurse/pediatrician. Many times we find that our aspirations are not what we made them out to be. A good visionary person should be persistent with following their dream, but it is also important to know when to give up on them if they are not for you.

  3. I admire your goal to learn chinese. I was also born and raised here so i share your pain. Sometimes i feel very sad when i am observing chinese culture because i feel like an outsider. I spent 6 months living in taiwan, and i never once felt like i was similar to the residents there.

    I think your plan to write down whenever you recognize that you notice your problems is a great way of changing those habits. It shows how willing you are to be honest with yourself. and most people never get that far at all.

  4. I think your desire to learn Chinese will lead you to so many hidden treasures. You know how some things are lost in translation, well you wouldn't lose a thing. There is something special about speaking a foreign language in a foreign land. Although you aren't technically from China it is still a huge part of your culture and you represent it here in the US. I'm sure with a little effort you'll be speaking it in no time!

  5. I'm on the same boat with you about learning our native language, mine is spanish however. I always have people who speak spanish coming up to me asking for directions and I feel like a failure when I can't. But I'm going to use rosetta stone to accomplish this, maybe it could help you learn chinese.

    To help accomplish your second goal of of being quiet and shy, you should purposely make yourself feel uncomfortable at least three times a day. I say this because I am quiet too but I've learned that at times when I want to do or say something, I just force myself to because it's a part of living life...people don't know how to live or live happily when they stick to their routine and live "safely" in their comfort zones.

    Hope this helps :)

  6. I was in a similar situation as you in that I had wanted to become a teacher when I was little, but I gave up that dream because I thought I was too shy to teach in front of a classroom. But the career that I want to be in now, is to become a manager, which definitely is not a career for shy people. I guess I wasn't as passionate for being a teacher as I am in being in management. Well I wish you all the best in your goals, and I hope you find what you are passionate about, and I know that once you do find it, no obstacles will stop you!

  7. I am interestiong your last goal. I really hate run. However, one of the my friends tried to run a marathon. She said a marathon is one of the ways to overcome myself. So i was changed my mind because i wnat to proof that i can do and overcome my limitation.

  8. I like your dreams especially 1 and 3 because i'm interested in learning mandarin myself and also I'm a fitness buff but i'm too cowardly to run a marathon in fear i would collapse in like the first mile.
